Friday, February 6, 2009


1. Comb your wet hair gently as it's weakest when it is wet.

2. Let your hair dry naturally. Use dryers only when you are short on time or when you want to set them for an occasion.

3. Massaging your scalp with your fingertips helps the blood to circulate to the scalp.

4. For daily washes, use a shampoo that is mild, gentle and moisturising.

5. Tackle dandruff immediately with good antidandruff shampoos.

6. Never share a comb, soap or towel with anyone.

7. To make hair soft and shiny after washing, blot hair gently with towel and then separate with a wide toothed comb.

8. Avoid hair exposure to strong winds, dust and pollution. Use a acarf while on a two-wheeler.

9. Wear a swimming cap to protect hair or deep condition your hair before entering the pool.
Also, wash and condition hair as soon as have finished swimming.

10. Poor nutrition, hormonal changes, stress and shock play a major part in affecting the condition, appearance or disappearance of hair.

11. Vitamin B complex(Natural B), Vitamin A, biotin(one of the Vitamin Bs), Iron, Minerals such as zinc, iron and copper promote healthy looking hair.

12. Deep condition once a week to take care of the split ends in hair.

13. Grooming is no longer just a woman's domain. The first step in essential grooming among men is a close shave! Don't shave as soon as you get up, as your skin would be little pufy thus your shave won't be as close.

14. Use premuim shaving foam with skin moisturisers and humectants which will condition your skin.

15. Always wet your stubble with hot/warm water or even better shower before you shave. This swells the hair shaft allowing the blade to cut the hair, not your skin.

16. Use the right After shave splash to cool and condition your skin.

17. Never leave home without applying a sun screen to protect our skin.

18. Dentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at home. Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

19. The tooth brush was invented more than 1000 year ago by the Chinese. We hope that the tooth brush you are using now is not that old! Always change your tooth brush every three months for effective brushing of your teeth.

20. Brush at least twice a day before breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after break fast, lunch or after sweet snacks.

21. Floride keeps teeth strong.

22. Its tempting to rush through your cleansing session, especially late at night. But give your cleanser a minute to sink in so it can thoroughly remove the day's dirt and grime.

23. Acne is usually caused due to a hormonal imbalance. To reduce your pimple problems make sure you regularly cleanse your face. Use a mild cleanser or face wash, two-three times a day.

24. To keep your nails strong, once or twice a week soak your fingers in olive oil for twenty minutes. Massage the oil into your hands and feet, and leave it on overnight for the best results.

25. Why opt for lots of make-up, when a sheer and see-through face is so much more alluring? At times just use a foundation and loose powderand a transparent lip gloss to create a flawless and natural look.

26. Ahhh, nothing feels as good as a massage or a hot soak at the end of the day. While the action soothes your muscles, the added fragrances de-stress your mind completely.

27. To make red and tired eyes look fresh, use a blue or brown mascara instead of black. Black/brown creates less of contrast than black so the red will be less obvious.

28. Exfoliating is a quick and effective way of removing dead surface skin cells. It leaves the skin soft, even and progressively firmer and more receptive to products applied afterwards. Once or twice a week is adequate.

29. Forget facial peels, botox and micro-dermabrasion which often make the skin red.

30. Oily skin can be a nuisance. To remove the shine make sure to use an oil control cleanser, a mild face wash, and dab your face wit loose powder to absorb the extra oil.

31. Contrary to the commonly-held belief, bleaching is not harmful to your skin, provided it suits you. Make sure you do an arm-patch test 24 hours in advance.

37. Wondering what the difference is between makeup brushes made for powder, blush and bronzer? Very little! To save money, invest in only one large brush.

38. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is ideal for keeping your body hydrated. This hydration boost will not only minimize fatigue, but will also revitalize your skin from the inside out!

39. Always follow your face cleansing with the use of a Toner. The Toner will remove the residue of the cleanser as well as some dirt and make-up that the cleanser may not have removed. This makes the skin completely clean and is better prepared to take the moisturizers or other specialty products.

40. Wash your hands thoroughly before you cleanse your face, or you will be working dirt into facial skin. Use a headband to keep hair away from the face.

41. Drink a glass of hot water with lemon. This Chinese herbal remedy is a sure-fire method of energizing your entire system. This means that your body will circulate the blood faster and get rid of toxins responsiblefor bad skin.

42. Most of us need at least 6 hours sleep to function properly. However, the ideal amout of sleep to look wide-eyed, youthful and ready to go is about 8 hours sleep, or more, depending on the individual.

43. Men have approximately 15% oilier skin and significantly larger pores than women do. Basically, this means they get dirtier. Deep cleansing is important. It even more for them.

44. Too much of anything is never a good idea. Stay away from excessive alcohol, smoking, fatigue and stress. Not only can these factors lead to premature aging; they also decrease facial circulation making your look older.

45. If you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.

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