It was back in '84 or '85, I think.
The new cars had just come out, and one of the new safetyfeatures was a change in the rear taillights. Now, insteadof just two backlights, there was an additional one in therear window.
This is so that drivers can tell that the automobile infront of them is stopping even if they can't see the lowerlights, for any reason.
To me, it was an indicator of wealth. You see, I was broke,broke, broke.
The way I saw it was, if you could afford a new car--thekind with the new headlight in the rear window-you had made it.
I'd project myself years into the future... as I was surelybuying my next old junker. If it had one of those lights,I'd have reached the highest level of success that I couldhope for.
I couldn't even imagine anything more than that. My imagesof the future were of struggle and hardship. I would hearimaginary conversations all going wrong. Nothing ever workedout in my mind.
So I never even considered taking any kind of actions thatwould transport me to a better life. I never tried hard atanything. It wasn't until I started using affirmations thatthings began to change. After I made my first audio, my lifereally started to morph into something completely different.
Now, I know that many people have trouble with affirmations."I can't do affirmations," is a common belief. That's wrong,because you naturally affirm all day long with every thoughtyou have.
The problem is that you just don't do it CORRECTLY.
I couldn't imagine being successful in a sales career. Sonaturally my first attempt was with sales and careeraffirmations. Soon my sales skills (and income) grew byleaps and bounds.
I can't stress enough that to succeed at anything, whetherit be career, health, relationships, finances or education,you've got to see what you want. You absolutely must be ableto imagine yourself having your goal... You must AFFIRM thatyou already have it, that you're worthy of it, that you canhave it.
See the enjoyment of it. Feel it.
Imagine yourself holding hands with someone. Imagine lookingin your bank account and seeing all the zeroes... afteranother number, of course. See yourself getting the A's andenjoying the process of the studying... of the learning.
Notice how it feels.
See the mistakes that are bound to happen as falling off youlike rain. Mistakes will still happen. And you have to seethem as temporary... as fixable.
Most people visualize and imagine success, but when thingsdon't go right, they quit... and exclaim that it doesn'twork for them.
It does work.
But if there are 7 steps to success at something and youtake the first six, suffer a setback and give up, then youdon't get the success.
That's not a horrible thing if you will just wake up, splashsome cold water on your face and admit that whatevertemporary setback you had was your fault on some level. Thenstart your visualizing again.
And if you blame others for your failures, you're doomed.Done. Finished...
...until you wake up. I believe it's never too late to wakeup.
But the longer you're asleep to the fact that, no matter howmany areas of life you may have under control, the part ofyour life that just doesn't work is a reflection ofdecisions you make, the longer you will fail in that onearea.
Sure, there may be other factors that ARE out of your hands.But you can't blame them. Or you'll continue to fail. Acceptresponsibility. Keep your vision alive. And sooner or later,you'll reach it.
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