Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Foods that make you look younger

Growing older is inevitable, but looking your age is not - and slashing years off your aging body starts with eating the right foods.

A healthy diet loaded with lean protein and whole grains will allow you to retain muscle tone but lose excess fat as you age, while plenty of antioxidant-ric h fruits and veggies will help stave off those wrinkles.

1. Say yes to whole grains

2. See fish as your ally

3. Bacteria buddies-----hav e a probiotic drink or yoghurt every day.

4. Moisturise from within------Eat ing foods containing healthy, natural oils, such as avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil can have a softening and plumping effect on skin.

5. Ditch the biscuit

6. Snack with care------Foods such as ice cream, crisps, chocolate and fizzy drinks all fall into this category, so limit them to a twice-a-week treat and snack instead on a platter of brightly coloured fruits.

7. Go easy on the booze

8. Stop skipping meals

9. Antioxidant-ric h foods--------Fr uit, veggies and nuts contain powerful anti-ageing chemicals to keep you youthful.

10. Slash your salt intake.

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