Sunday, March 25, 2012

♥.:.♥.:. *** How to be a better husband and father *** .:.♥.:.♥.:.

♥ Be the Imam, Not just the man.

- Be the leader of your household.
- Set the standard.
- Talk the talk and walk the walk.

♥ You must make everyone feel they are special and yet equal at home.

♥ Islam should be your first priority.

♥ Understand that you will not always be right.

- It is okay to ask a woman's (your mother, wife or even daughter) advice.
- Include your wife in major decisions.
- Be flexible and willing to change. This is a sign to a good leader.
- In the end, you are the leader and must make the final decision; therefore accept responsibility.

♥ Understand kindness is not a weakness.

- You must be kind and easy with your wife.
- Weigh her bad versus to good.
- You should not force her to change. Accept her as she is.
- Understand that her straightness is in her crookedness.

♥ Be patient with your children.

- Women need affection in general. Therefore, your daughters need affection too.
- Your sons need guidance and discipline.

♥ Your wives and your children are a trial.

- If you are not careful, they can lead you to Hell.
- Take care of yourself and as well as your family.
- You are a trial for them also.

Insha' Allah you will have a righteous family if you put Allah first in your life. Ameen.

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